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Dr. Rani Seeth's Orthodontic Journey 

My name is Dr. Rani Seeth, and I’m the owner of two family dental practices in Illinois, Dental Pointe and Bolingbrook Dental Care. I am absolutely enjoying orthodontics and how it’s affecting my patients.

I have been offering comprehensive orthodontic care since 2012 and it has transformed my care and business. Since then I have helped 250 patients with orthodontic treatment. I see many young patients and they trust me to help them with their dental health and esthetics, especially when it comes to orthodontics. Here are three recent patients whom I had the pleasure of working with:

Read more about my experiences learning orthodontics, including tips to thrive at POS.

Patient #1

Name: Johana
Start Age: 11
Chief complaint: Issues with crowding and biting
Treatment summary: Extracted the Upper 2nd molars and distalized with cervical headgear and coils

Read Johana's treatment details here

Patient #2

Name: Luz Mary
Start Age: 12
Chief complaint: Open bite
Treatment summary: Extracted Upper 4s and Lower 5s and corrected Class II with high pull headear

Read Luz Mary's treatment details here

Patient #3

Name: Michelle
Start Age: 13
Chief complaint: Cross bite
Treatment summary: Non-extraction treatment with braces, a bonded RPE and elastics